Tao Tantric Graduates Qigong Practice Group Subscription


This is a Tao Tantra Qigong practice group subscription for graduates of Sacred Femininity only. We meet via video app, Marco Polo for weekly lessons. There are over 50 videos now ready for you to get practicing. The subscription is $20 USD per month. Please use the SUBSCRIBE button below, not “Add to basket”. You can cancel your subscription at any time through Pay Pal.


Please use this SUBSCRIBE button blow instead of “add to basket”. It will take you to a Pay Pal page where you can provide your payment details for a monthly subscription, which you can cancel at any time. Please provide your phone number so we can send you the link to our group and add you. To see more details view the video and subscription description below.

This group was formed to provide continuing education exclusively to the graduates of the Sacred Femininity, Tao Tantra Teacher Training. We will be covering all the qigong, meditation and some extras like Tao Yoga learned in the five week course and going deeper into all of it. To become a teacher of Qigong through Tao Tantric Arts you must practice for a year, this will help you if you are on that track! Or it’s for you if you just want to practice Tao Qigong more regularly, to feel more embodied, centered, powerful, energized, clear, balanced and connected, to learn more and deepen your practice.
You can request lessons of particular qigong you want to learn from! Just ask Stephanie in the video chat or ask questions about lessons when you are in the group. We will use the Sacred Femininity Practice Guide and the book Tao Tantric Arts by Minke DeVoss.