Jade Egg Course

Do you wish you could access an abundant source of energy, pleasure and bliss within you?

One that makes you feel alive, passionate, energized, creative, powerful, joyful, expressed and inspired?

One that helps you feel balanced in life, work, play and in your relationships?

One that connects you with your purpose and your full potential, helping you to believe in your self, as well as being tuned in to the energy flow to make your dreams a reality?

It’s Time to Discover Your Inner Feminine to Feel Wildly Nurtured & Energized!

If you’re like most women, you’ve lost touch with the powerful feminine force inside of you, the force that sustains your energy and makes you put yourself first, nourishing yourself. The force that helps you instinctively know when to rest and fill your cup or listen deeply and TRUST your inner wisdom, intuition and knowing.

It’s not your fault; it’s a cultural phenomenon that we all share as women. It’s a disconnection from our body, our Earth, our pleasure, our sense of self worth and our sexual, creative power.

As a medical intuitive, an energy medicine practitioner, a Sacred Femininity & Tao Tantra instructor, I can tell you that aside from the food we eat and the air we breathe, our sexual energy is the most available source of energy inside of us, and you won’t discover your full energy and innate potential for pleasure, creativity, joy and bliss until you REALLY LISTEN to your sexual creative intelligence and NURTURE your physical body (and yes that includes your sexual center).

Your physical body is your sacred vehicle, and your sexual energy is your life force, that needs to flow to create in all areas of your life. So the juicier and more alive you are inside, the more life and passion you will have in your whole body and whole life! Imagine yourself ultimately self expressed in every positive way. It really is possible when you nurture yourself and bring life to the passion, pleasure and power that resides inside of you.

But How Can I Nurture Myself When I Don’t Have Time?

You’ve heard it said a thousand times that you need to nurture yourself and make time to care for yourself before you can give to others. Although we all know that to be true, we aren’t doing it. Why is that?

Women have a preconceived notion that there is “not enough time for me,” but the reality is that we don’t take the time and make the time for ourselves because of low self worth. We perceive everything in our external reality to be so much more important than what is really going on inside of us. We leave ourselves last. So basically, what we really need is to check our mind-set. When we practice “energy management”,  we understand what is draining us and what fills us up. This is WAY more potent than time management!! This means getting in touch with our natural cycles, our boundaries, our NO’s in regards to things we don’t want, our YES in regards to things we DO want and putting ourselves first. When we start paying attention to what feeds us, we make the time for it. So receptivity and self-worth mind set and energy management is a key of this process, time is relative! Especially if you have small children who demand so much attention, it is important to learn this early.

If you need help uncovering and reverse any underlying beliefs as to why you think you don’t deserve pleasure, joy and enjoyment, I am here for you. I find these beliefs have often been handed down to us from our parents generations and many women don’t event know that they are blocking themselves from real enjoyment of life! I am available for you to work with me one-on-one.

Real self worth is based on internal feelings of who we are and our unique gifts. A false sense of self worth comes from comparing ourselves to everyone else on the outside (what they have, do, wear) and keeping up to them- letting others dictate how we move in life is not advised, it is exhausting and it it not the truth of who you are. To discover our true self worth, we need to go inside and listen to ourselves because all of our unique gifts are already inside of us. When we have self-acceptance and self-love all of our gifts begin to shine and we naturally want to share our gifts with the world. When we have belief in our self and the power of our sexual creative intelligence, we move mountains!

What is unique about this program is that setting aside the time for one simple session can transform your energy so much that you’ll feel you can conquer the world, (it works better than coffee – trust me). You will find that you’ll start having more time to nurture yourself because you will be fed so much from it. You will open energy flows in your body that you didn’t know you had, the ones that are activated to grow a fetus, give birth and nurse children are a part of this well of energy that resides within you. Like waves of pleasure this intelligent energy will begin to move you, expand and energize you and flow all on it’s own. You will feel happier, more peaceful, more connected to your own sexual energy and it will be easier to connect to others because you will be coming from a place of feeling full rather than empty. You will start to shed the “energy drains” from your life, from energy draining people to things, because you will have a much deeper sense of your potent life force energy. Your boundaries will improve and you will learn to say NO when you really mean it because you will feel that it is robbing you much more quickly!  You’ll save loads of time and thousands on health bills by unlocking your own inner healer! I’ll provide you with the knowledge, tools and support you need to finally give yourself the deep nurturing you deserve, and trust me, you’ll find the time to give yourself more once you experience the results.

There Are 3 Important shifts Women Need to Make to Value Themselves:

  1. The only person who is going to make you a priority is you, so make YOU your first priority! This means making time daily for self care- even if it is only 5-10 minutes!!! If this is not already happening there is probably an undercurrent of “I am not enough”, “I am not worthy of receiving/love” going on. This course addresses those feelings and beliefs, which are so prevalent in our society.
  1. There is so much available energy out there, from spirit and the earth, and all we need to do is “plug in” to RECEIVE. Spend some Quality time on yourself everyday. Prove to yourself that YES you ARE worthy of love! Just like daily exercise, a little discipline will go a long way here.
  1. Your true nature is abundant, just like the earth, which gives us everything we need to live. The way to realize our abundance is by nurturing the physical aspects of ourselves – the physical body, our sexuality, and our creativity which ultimately grows and feeds our Spiritual selves.

Self Value Comes From Self Love


Many of us don’t feel we are worthy of receiving love. It’s an issue of self worth. It’s an issue held in the collective consciousnesses of the feminine. The good news is that all of the love you need is all around you all the time so YOU are changing that NOW!  In this program, I will guide you to tune in and open your heart so that your sexual creative energy will start to awaken and build strength in a harmonized way. The fusing of love, the open heart and the sexual creative energy together creates the most positive human virtue we have… compassion. All healing occurs through the energy of compassion. This allows us to fill up our self-love tanks, which causes us to feel inspired and good about ourselves, and then we naturally want to and have the energy to share our gifts with the world.

Wildly Nurtured Woman is for women who want to realize their full potential – to connect their sexuality, their heart and their spirituality so they can understand how valuable they are, to learn how to receive love from the love that’s all around us, to heal and empower themselves and other women, and ultimately to fulfill their potential and purpose here. The Goddess arises in ALL of us, through ALL of us!

I am not here to change or fix you. I am here to show you that everything you need is inside of you and to guide you to access it Through deep self-acceptance and self-nurturing. I have some creative ways of helping you experiencing that, that have worked me and hundreds of other women I have worked with.

This Easy-to-Follow Sequence of Audio & Video Modules Will Help You:

  • Realize your full potential by experiencing true self worth and self love and by connecting your heart, spirituality and sexuality to heal and empower yourself
  • Learn how to connect to and turn on the jade fountain (also called your sexual center, which is the fountain of life, energy, wisdom and vibrancy inside of you) so that you can discover the abundant source of pleasure and energy within you
  • Heal the root of your “energy drain” by being more self-aware around energy management and discover how to feel alive, youthful, energized, creative, powerful, joyful, expressed and inspired on a daily basis
  • Unlock your purpose and full potential, and passionately move toward your dreams
  • Discover the easiest ways to heal the energy blockages that lead to sexual shut down, physical illness, mental and emotional health issues
  • Move obstacles that are in your way with ease and have the strength and energy you need to move forward on your purpose
  • Discover that everything you need to live the life of your dreams is already inside of you
  • Balance your own health, while bringing balance to the masculine and feminine energies within you and in our collective consciousness at the same time

When you purchase Wildly Nurtured Woman, you gain access to a lifetime worth of self-nurturing and self-healing tools that you can keep learning from every time you do them. You’ll receive the knowledge and skills that help you tap into your energy and the treasures that only YOU have – your passion, your purpose and your blueprint! Bonus: This program is also an opportunity to become part of the great shift towards raising the consciousness of nurturing feminine wisdom and love on our planet!

The Program Includes:

  • Receive the Jade Egg, a special tool delivered to your door, for healing, sensitizing and awakening your sexual center. The Jade Egg is a stone that enhances our healing intentions and helps connect our sexuality to Spirit within. Made from a high quality nephrite jade from a Canadian certified jade mine,and a jade and pearl beaded pull cord. Jade pulls trauma out of the tissues and into it’s core and is easily cleansed.
  • Receive 9 audio/video modules geared to give you amazing results and transformation
  • Join LIVE Group Practices & Meditations
  • Ask questions anytime with a Q&A video chat app.
  • Connect with other women on the path to deep self nurturing via our secret Facebook Page and online network of Tantra practitioners.
  • BONUS 1: Sensual Qigong Video for women’s hormonal health. This easy-to-learn 50-minute class can be done in private, in public, outside, anywhere! It’s my gift to you (a $30 value)
  • BONUS 2: Yin-Yang Guided Meditation – This meditation will help you get in touch with and balance the inner feminine and masculine energies. Learn what messages they have for you and how they are connecting and expressing themselves within you. (a $20 value)

1-Month Guarantee!

Unsure whether this program is for you? With my 1-month money-back guarantee, you can take some time you need to explore the program and still ask for a refund if you decide it’s not for you. The Jade Egg (value $85) that come with the course and it’s shipping cost is not refundable though due to it’s intimate nature.

You will be refunded the remainder of the course cost.

Grab Your Spot Now!

I wanna hold your hand.

I am committed to serving your growth, transformation and unfolding. If you think you may need extra support you can add a month – three hours total – of private coaching / healing sessions and email support to ensure you are getting what you need at $100 off the regular price. This is the smallest coaching package I offer special with this course. Just check out here after you have purchased your course.