My 100 Day Journey in Tao Tantra

In the winter of 2015/16 I focused on a 100 day self-nurturing journey with the Tao Tantra practices. I published one video per day (or every two or three) about what that day’s practice was, how I felt and what the results were. One year later I am happy to report that the effects of self-nurturing especially during the winter months have a cumulative effect who’s energy can really be felt into the spring, summer, fall and winter!!

I had more energy in the spring and summer than ever before! I was working part-time on a farm and establishing my holistic health practice in the Okanagan /Shuswap area. The problem was actually channelling all the energy I had! I decided to create, build, home-stead and enjoy the nature surrounding me. I didn’t have a partner but I found some interesting ways to express my overflowing creativity and sexuality.

Now in the winter of 2016 I am still experiencing the elevated energy of the summer but it is simmering down, as things do in the winter- after all it is hibernation time. What I am noticing now is that I have been guided to more carefully channel that energy into myself through my practice and into my creativity. Now, in the winter, my energy is asking to stay focused inside, be circulated, to gain stronger ability for “containment” as opposed to going outward, for example in the attempt to attract or search for a partner.

Now that there is so much more energy flowing through me, I have learned to become aware of how in the past I may have given that energy away, or used it a bargaining tool, or used it to get attention or ultimately love. It is amazing to work with this energy when you gain an understanding of it subtleties and really work with it, it can show you many things about how you unconsciously used your energy on a daily basis that may be not so honouring of the self.

I am surprised at where the practices organically took me and how the relationship with myself has changed. You can watch my whole journey starting here: